Fast & Effective Tick Twisting Removal Tool
Alzoo Exitick Transparent Tick Remover for Cats & Dogs is a patented BPA-Free tool that quickly and effectively removes ticks of any size from your pet's skin!
Ticks are a worrisome pest that have the potential to carry disease. Those diseases can be spread to pets as well as humans and have unfortunate side effects. As ticks become more prevalent in the United States, it is best to always be prepared.
Alzoo tick puller has a unique spherical shape that allows for it to fit into all the places ticks like to hide, such as armpits. The transparent plastic gives full visibility to the tick which eliminates any guesswork about the ticks position on your pet.
Always be sure to check your pet for ticks after they have been in the woods or tall grass. Use Alzoo Exitick removal tool to effectively and safely remove ticks as soon as they are found.